What is this shit all up on my cheese? And…can I eat it?
That powdery, funky stuff on the outside of your cheese is called a rind and it’s basically the cheese’s skin. Cheese rinds form during the aging process and there are three types: bloomy, washed, and natural rinds. OK, enough with the fancy talk. Are you supposed to eat that stuff or nah?
There’s really no “supposed to” here; it all depends on your preferences. Unless the cheese is coated with an inedible substance like wax, rinds are totally safe to eat – but that doesn’t mean everyone likes them. Personally, I’m a devoted member of the rind eaters club. I love the peppery notes of a bloomy rind on a lightly aged goat cheese and cave-y funk of an earthy stilton. If you’ve never indulged in the pleasures of rind-eating I challenge you to one of each type listed below. Maybe you won’t like them, and that’s OK. But you might find yourself in the throes of a new love affair.