14 Goat Cheese Pairings That Will Bring You Back to Life
Spring is prime time for fresh, tangy goat cheese. Right now all the momma goats are giving birth to their babies, which means they’re getting milked! This first batch of liquid gold is all kinds of thick, delicious, and rich with, protein, minerals, and fats. Those hot mamas are also headed back out to pasture to munch on the sweet, juicy first blades of spring grass and bathe in the sun. All of this results in some serious dank fresh goat cheese: fluffy little clouds of heaven with lemony, herbaceous notes.
Go stock up on the freshest, most local chèvre you can find, and pleasure yourself with that sweet, fresh, spreadable lovin’. Here are 14 ideas for how to pair it up.
On Sourdough Toast With Honeycomb, Thyme, & Black Sesame Seeds
Crumbled Onto Avocado Toast, Lube It Up With EVOO & Also Finish With Black Sesame Seeds
Schmeared Onto A Toasted Bagel With Tomato Slices & Lots of Salt & Pepper
Sprinkled Into Scrambled Eggs
Dolloped Onto Pancakes & Finished With Maple Syrup
Spread Onto Toast and Topped with Any Jam or Preserve
Banana jam with cashews and sesame seeds on chèvre